Book Cover by Paul Imrie

Murder and Malice: Illustrations

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The wonderful illustrations featured in the novel

Murder and Malice is set in Northern England - in leafy Cheshire and Manchester, and on the sun-drenched Mediterranean island of Malta The action alternates between various locations in the ancient cities of Chester and Valletta as Power and Lynch solve a series of deaths of academic staff from the Univerisity of Allminster. The illustrations are by Paul Gent.

Paul GENT's illustrations

The academic world of Allminster University is bedevilled with intrigue and murder. Terror is never far away in the University's cold stone corridors

The Professor dies.

The cosy Vice Chanecelor's Study. Dr Power is briefed by eth Vice Chancellor. Allminster University founder,Charles Dodgson looks on. Links between Dodgson, (the real name of Lewis Carroll), chess and his literary creation Alice are scatterd as clues through the novel.

VC Study

In the novel Dr Power puzzles over this chess game, which was first described by Lewis Carroll.

The Chess game features in Murder and Malice

The novel features a lost chapter by Lewis Carroll. Paul Gent channels Tenniel to illustrate ALice and the Wasp

The Wasp and Alice

Dr Power's beloved Saab, as realised by Paul Gent

Dr Power's Saab

Dr Power walks past Chester Cathedral on the Roman walls.

Power walking Chester's walls

The Bear and Billet is a tavern in Chester dating from 1664.

The Bear and Billet Chester

Power and Lynch walk through the historic city of Valletta

The Bear and Billet Chester